Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Twenty Something

I really love this song at this moment! Really express what I feel.. XD

Twenty Something by Jamie Cullum :)

After years of expensive education,
a car full of books and anticipation,
I’m an expert on Shakespeare and that’s a hell of a lot
but the world don't need scholars as much as I thought.

Maybe I'll go travelling for a year,
finding myself or start a career.
I could work for the poor though I’m hungry for fame
we all seem so different but we're just the same.

Maybe I'll go to the gym, so I don't get fat,
aren't things more easy with a tight six pack?
Who knows the answers? Who do you trust?
I can't even separate love from lust.

Maybe I’ll move back home and pay off my loans,
working nine to five answering phones.
Don't make me live for my friday nights,
drinking eight pints and getting in fights.

I don't want to get up, just let me lie in,
leave me alone, I'm a twenty something.

Maybe I'll just fall in love
that could solve it all,
philosophers say that that’s enough,
there surely must be more. Ooooh

Love ain’t the answer nor is work,
the truth eludes me so much it hurts.
But I’m still having fun and I guess that's the key,
I'm a twenty something and I'll keep being me.

doh dah duh dah, do duh dah dah dah
doh dah duh dah, do duh dah dah dah
doh dah duh dah, do duh dah dah dah
doh dah duh dah, do duh dah dah dah

I’m a twenty something. Let me lie in, Leave me alone. I’m a twenty something.

doh dah duh dah, do duh dah dah dah
doh dah duh dah, do duh dah dah dah
doh dah duh dah, do duh dah dah dah
doh dah duh dah, do duh dah dah dah

Setelah Sidang Berlalu

Hehehe...judul yang aneh, tapi begitulah. Akhirnya aku sudah sidang hari Jumat (25 Januari), dan Alhamdulillah, aku sudah lulus! Sidangnya sendiri nggak berjalan begitu bagus - pak doddy sukses membantaiku habis-habisan sampai ak sulit berkata-kata. Tapi Alhamdulillah, aku dapet A! Sedikit nggak percaya, tapi mensyukuri. Allah memang Maha Besar!!!

Kelar sidang, tentunya ada revisi. Dan dari bergerilya mencari dosen untuk acc revisi itulah, aku tahu kalo thesisku rada (baca : sangat) hancur. Ada kesalahan fatal yang sudah aku lakukan di thesis ini. Masalahnya, menurutku apa yang kukerjakan itu sudah bener. Karena kalau kita baca lagi jurnalnya, memang isinya menyiratkan apa yang aku kerjakan di thesisku. Cuma para dosen nggak mau tahu tentu saja. Aku sendiri nggak yakin apakah aku bener2 salah, tapi aku ngaku kalo memang ada yang kurang. Thesis ini masih nanggung. Mestinya diterusin sekalian. Cuma yah... aku jadi bingung sendiri.

Dan disinilah aku. Di lab, yang tadinya mau minta revisi ke pak moses, ga jadi karena belum siap. Takut salah.. (padahal ngapain juga takut?). Aku pengen banget cepet keluar dari kampus ini, nyari kerja dan berkecimpung di tempat baru. I realize that I've had enough with this place. Meski yah...kayanya aku bakal kangen internet gratisnya.. :P

Berjuang untuk revisi!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Berita Duka

Sedikit kontras dengan post sebelumnya. Akhir-akhir ini keluarga besar sy sedang banyak menerima banyak musibah. Baru sekitar 2 minggu lalu ada kabar bahwa tante saya (adik ibu) masuk rumah sakit karena ada infeksi di paru-parunya. Alhamdulillah kondisinya sudah membaik. Untung juga ibu saya cukup tegar menghadapi berita itu.

Dan kemarin, baru saja eyang saya (ibu dari Bapak) berpulang ke Allah SWT. Berita yang mengejutkan, karena setahu saya kondisi terakhir beliau cukup stabil (beliau memang sudah sakit sejak lama...). Alhamdulillah, ayah saya tegar sekali menghadapi berita itu. Sebagai kepala keluarga besarnya, dengan cepat beliau membawa jenazah eyang saya ke Pekalongan dan memakamkannya hari itu juga.

Suasana duka memang masih menyelimuti keluarga saya.. Tapi semoga itu tidak mempengaruhi saya, adik2 saya dan orang tua saya untuk tetap bersemangat. Amin....

Ganbatte ne!

Akhirnya... (tahap 1)


Akhirnya satu tahapan dalam thesis terlewati juga kemarin: ngumpulin thesis!

Horeee...horeeee...hore.... XD

Hehehe...kebahagiaan semu karena sebenarnya masih ada SIDANG! Duh. Deg2an nih.. Hari ini rencana nyiapin ppt, sama mau nambahin dikit bab 3. Nggak tau bakal sempat atau nggak. Mana jadwal belum dikeluarin....

Wish me lcuk for the final presentation!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Random Post (2)

I'm so excited. Rhama invited me (and everyone else) to his wedding, and guess what? The wedding will be held in Surabaya! :D
Well, that's a very good news. I planned to go to Jakarta if the wedding is held there (ehem! sekalian jalan-jalan abis sidang sih, hehehe... ). Can't wait for the invitation and the date of the wedding! :)

Speaking about me, means speaking about thesis. And speaking bout thesis, means speaking bout program. A program, which, unfortunately, hasn't finished yet. That means, I can't run and get the results. And that also means, I can't analyze the result (well, of course since I haven't had the result, heh..). The 'best' part is...I must submit the thesis on Wednesday, January 16th.

Am I happy?

Guess 3 times, and you'll get a bonus~ XD

But despite the fact that my thesis hasn't finished yet, lately I try to blogging everyday. Well...at least I try to.. :D

Ugh. This post is so random! XD

Random post (1)

Really really a random post. One of my favorite lyrics ever.

by India Arie and Sergio Mendes

Kindness is timeless
Love is so easy to give
It just takes a moment
To show somebody that you care

In the world that we live in
Everybody wants to be so cruel
To be in the in-crowd
Got the hottest clothes,the hottest shoes
We're reading the tabloids
And we're flossing in the club
But the freshest thing you can do is
Give someone your love

Kindness is timeless
Love is so easy to give
It just takes a moment
To show somebody you care
Kindness is timeless
Love is so easy to give
It just takes a moment to...

Give someone your love
To give someone your lalala love
To give someone your love
Give someone your love
Your lalalala love
Give someone your lalala love

The clothes that your wearing
It will one day be out of style
The car that your driving
One day will max out in miles
Your hair and your makeup
And the time that it takes up
It will take the same care of
Ya give someone ya love

Kindness is timeless
Love is so easy to give
It just takes a moment
To show someone you care
Kindness is timeless
Love is so easy to give
It just takes a moment to...

To give someone your love
.....Give someone
To give someone your lalala love
To give someone your love
Give someone your love
Your lalalala love
Give someone your lalala love

Love never goes out of style...
Give someone you love
Cause kindness is timeless

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Lifetime Partner

Inilah salah satu keanehan seorang niken. Sudah tahu thesisnya belum selesai, progam belum dijalanin, masih sempat-sempatnya ngeblog! :)
But as people say, kebanyakan orang seringkali lari dari permasalahannya, dan sayangnya, saya masih begitu (kadang-kadang sih, hehehe...). Jadi maklumilah tingkah aneh ini, ok? *grin*

The main topic of this post is lifetime partner! Yup, lifetime partner, alias rekan seumur hidup, atau bisa dikatakan sebagai, "orang yang bakal menemani kita sampai tua, nggak peduli separah apapun tingkah laku kita~ :P", or... known as sweetie husband/wife (dalam kasus saya jelas husband yak.. :D).

Nah, kenapa saya ambil topik ini? Apa karena saya desperate belum juga mendapatkan seorang pasangan padahal sudah berumur 22, sebentar lagi lulus dan pingin hidup mapan? Tentu saja iya! Yah, mungkin itu alasannya, mungkin juga nggak.
Sejujurnya, saya nggak pernah terlalu pusing memikirkan hal itu sejak masuk kuliah (don't talk about junior and high school. Saya masih terlalu lugu.. XP). Tentu saja saya pernah memikirkannya, satu-dua kali. Gini-gini saya kan cewek, yang kadang pengen diperhatikan ama seseorang yang istimewa. But as time goes, lingkungan yang membentuk saya memberi saya sedikit pola pikir baru : untuk menjadi orang yang sukses dulu, baru mikir keluarga alias nyari pasangan! And I think nothing's wrong bout it. Ibu saya juga nyantai aja, nyuruh saya konsen dulu ke kuliah dan nyari kerja. Sip. Semua beres!

Cuma baru-baru ini, saya jadi agak kepikiran hal ini. Kenapa? Pertama, salah satu temen blogwalking saya, si rhama, bakal menikah dalam waktu dekat. That's a good news, right?
Yang kedua, (lagi-lagi), bude saya mau menjodohkan saya dengan anak temannya. Usia 10 tahun lebih tua, tapi mapan. Hmm...
Kalo dulu, saya pasti nolak mentah2 perjodohan kaya gini. Tapi sekarang..

Uhm, uhm...
When will I find my lifetime partner? :)

Happy late new year and recent news

I'm sorry for late saying this, but HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008!

May we be better person with our experiences in previous year. Every new year will give us some new hope, some new spirit to do something new, to do what we used to do better, and create new value for us. :)

And as usual, recent news about me *grin*

I'm stil doing my thesis, of course. I must submit it on January 16th, and until now I'm still stuck with the program. I planned to finish it today (I mean, I wished my programmer finish it today), and start running the program tonight. There are 480 instances that must be executed.. Quite a lot, if you ask me :)
But I'm not giving up, of course. There's still 5 more days before the BIG day. Yosh! Ganbatte kudasai!!!

About hamsters.. I love this animal, so I think it is okay to talk about it anytime I want, hehehe..
Ecchan took two of them several days ago (Ba and Bi). Now there are only 9 left since I've also already given two more of them to Mr. Grocery (alias pak Sayur.. hehe.. untung bapaknya mau). I hope all of them will be okay and survive until the very last time of their age. Amen.

Ups. Must go to Mr. Moses for the final assignment.
Will continue it soon.. :)