Sunday, January 13, 2008

Random Post (2)

I'm so excited. Rhama invited me (and everyone else) to his wedding, and guess what? The wedding will be held in Surabaya! :D
Well, that's a very good news. I planned to go to Jakarta if the wedding is held there (ehem! sekalian jalan-jalan abis sidang sih, hehehe... ). Can't wait for the invitation and the date of the wedding! :)

Speaking about me, means speaking about thesis. And speaking bout thesis, means speaking bout program. A program, which, unfortunately, hasn't finished yet. That means, I can't run and get the results. And that also means, I can't analyze the result (well, of course since I haven't had the result, heh..). The 'best' part is...I must submit the thesis on Wednesday, January 16th.

Am I happy?

Guess 3 times, and you'll get a bonus~ XD

But despite the fact that my thesis hasn't finished yet, lately I try to blogging everyday. least I try to.. :D

Ugh. This post is so random! XD

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