Monday, December 10, 2007

Random Rambling

As the title can state, this following post won't have a certain topic. Therefore, no systematic paragraphs will be represent here. You can read it if you want to, anyway.

So first, what I want to ramble about is the phenomenon of Malaysia claiming some of our culture to be theirs. I thought I don't have to tell you from the beginning. All Indonesians (or maybe some of global citizens) have already known that Malaysia has claimed several of our cultures to be theirs. Simple examples are song of "rasa sayange" and "reog" (which is named Barongan later).
At first, like the other Indonesians may react, I was certainly angry and wondered; how come they did such a thing that is terrible enough, and have a great opportunity to set a "big war" between Indonesia and Malaysia. Me and my mom discussed it, and at that moment, we even sang some old song (which I don't know the title is, I only know the lyric of "ganyang malaysia"). But then again, as we continued our discussion, we realized something within this case. Yes, Malaysia claimed our culture to be theirs, but HAVE we PROTECTED and TOOK CARE our own cultures since the beginning? I don't think so. Lot and lot stories about abandoned artists were shown on television, like agreeing our thought.
So, who is to be blamed? Malaysia? Or ourselves? Maybe we should consider again to EVALUATE ourselves, especially in this culture-problem.

Second thing to rambled about english. Darn, I feel like my english is getting worse everyday. Erm..not exactly, really. But I know it's not getting good anyway. Since I never practice it anywhere, it's obvious that I can't have my english better than before. Don't you think so? Of course it is. That's why I'm totally jealous to rhama, who can always write everything in his blog beautifully. It's true. I love his wrting-style. And in the same time, envy him. I'm considering in kidnapping him and take some of his english ability to be mine...

Third thing which is unimportant...I have 15 hamsters now. Anyone, please take some of them?Fourth, my thesis!!! I wonder myself why I put this important topic in the fourth point, but well, I don't really care. I finally have my programmer (again!) and we're planning to finish the program as soon as possible. Oh, may Allah give the best way for me. Amen.

My lab is the next. I really want to punch my head of laboratory for giving me new tasks WHILE I'm doing my thesis. Like I have no other thing better to be done. At first, I thought my lab was going to be an extraordinary lab here (compared to other labs in my college). But as time passed..I'm rethinking about it.

Haaahh....any other topic for me to be rambled about?

Monday, November 12, 2007

dèja vu and self-awareness

Last year, after I had had my presentation of my final project, I found out that I got an AB (or B+) for it. Since I thought I’d get an A, of course I felt very dissappointed. I cried a lot after I got home, and promised that this kind of thing wouldn’t be happened again (well, at the moment I didn’t think I would take a master program right after graduated...).

Yesterday, like dèja vu, it happened again. Right after had my presentation, my nice supervisor asked me to meet him, and with low voice he said, “....actually it only needs a little more for you before getting an A....”

Was it wrong for me to get an A?

Like last year, I cried a lot (again). And by a lot, I mean A LOT. It’s so weird, just by thinking about the presentation, or my supervisor’s words, I could weep all around. My eyes were hurt, yet I still cried at night.

But after that, I couldn’t stop thinking; why it happened? Was it my faults? Seems no other reason better than that. Of course, everything’s my fault. I didn’t try as hard as I could. I kept complaining, and felt depressed without any certain reason. I didn’t try my best to do it. Or at least, that’s what I could think about the reason behind this B+ score. It’s ALL MY FAULTS.

I know I’ll be okay. I’m a strong girl, as I can say. Crying a bit won’t change that opinion. I will get better, and will be encouraged to try again (and much harder) than before to get an A for the final presentation. Even though, yes, sometimes I worry that my passion will dissappear and I’ll end up with...another cry.

But let’s not think negative, shall we?


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Serial TV : Supernatural

Since TransTV (one of local television here) played Heros, some of local televisions follow it by buying some good serials and put it on prime time (which, of course, a first smart step that was token by those televisions.. :P).

One of the serial that now makes me addicted is Supernatural.

Yep. As maybe some of you have known, Supernatural is a story about two brothers, Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Sam Winchester (Jared Padelecki), who cruise cross country to hunt some spooky ghosts that usually related to cultural ghost-story in certain cities. While doing this hunting, they search a demon that has killed their parents and Sam's girlfriend.

Well, I never really into some ghost stories. I tend to avoid this kind of movie. But when I tried to see several episodes (I didn't follow the serial since the first episode), something attracted me. Yes. The sibling-relation between Dean and Sam in recent episodes are already enough to make me fall in love with this movie (and to both of them, of course). Even they don't say it clearly, and even some quarrels keep occur between them, they actually love each other. The small quarrels don't stop them in protecting each other whenever they face problems (read : ghosts).

One title being added to my "favorite serial TV" list. I wonder if other televisions will also play some nice serial TVs in a short time? Let's hope and wait, shall we? :)


I'll have my presesntation on Monday. So....wish me luck, would you??? *pray*

Anyway, some meme.. :)

Which Heroes Character Are You?

You are Hiro. You are everyones favorite Japanese tourist. Your time is well-managed and you make sure things get done. On top of that, the girls always want a second chance with you.
Find Your Character @

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Student Syndrome

Have you ever heard term of "Student Syndrome"? I first noticed this term when I was reading about Critical Chain, a theory of constraints that applied in project management. This idea was introduced by Goldratt, on 1997 (if I am not mistaken). And talking about Goldratt, it means talking about "The Goal". "The Goal"? Yep. You should read "The Goal" written by Mr. Goldratt. It was such a fascinating book, especially for you that are interested in Production Planning and Control *smile*

Anyway, back to Student Syndrome, to be simple, Student Syndrome refers to habit - that is usually owned by students (no offense, anyone). And what is the habit? You probably can guess it : a habit to delay everything that ACTUALLY can be done earlier. In our cases, as students, this habit is generally noticed by our behavior in delaying doing our assignments until tha last minute before submitting (well, if you're not, then at least I did it.. *giggles*). In project, well, this can be described in many ways; delaying the drawings, delaying the deadline of purchasing material, vice versa. Of course, logically, this could cause a fatal condition for us, whether in a context of students at college, or in project.

And that's what I felt last Friday : a total mess! Again, I was in hurry in submitting my thesis proposal, just because my laziness to finish it on time. I delayed my plan to edit the proposal. Thus, that made the printing process become late too. And as a result? Well, as I said... It was totally a rush hour for me. I swore that time, that I wouldn't do it again next time.

But then again..somehow I didn't believe myself. Can this Student Syndrome really be eliminated from me? :(

Ah, well. Just do my best, then? Ganbatte, ne!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Final Project Incentive (continued)

Mr. baihaqi asked me why I hadn't written my previous post in English. *smile shyly*

Well sir....Thank you for reminding me. I'll keep the answers for myself :)
As a compensation, I will continue a little bit about my previous post.

After asking for some information, I just found out that this incentive program is actually a competition program. It means, not all the applicants (students who write their projects in English) will get the reward. As been said, the total of the reward are 4 million rupiahs, with detail as follows;

Presentating in English : 500 thousand
Presentating and making paper in English : 1 million
Presentating, making final report and paper in English : 2 million

Those who apply for this program will compete each other and be chosen by some criteria such as the final score of his/her report, the performance of him/her in presentating his/her report, etc.

For me, it's a good news. This fact proves that my department (IE department) actually took a good program in order to improve students ability. This incentive program is not proposed just to give some money to students who do their report in English, but also taught them to fight, struggling to after what they want.

Too bad this information hasn't been informed to others. Maybe that's why still some people looking bad to this program. Shall I inform it to others? :P

..well, that's quite a stupid question.

Hari Blogger Nasional

Mungkin sudah banyak yang tahu, bahwa sekarang kita, para blogger, memiliki hari blogger nasional! Suatu langkah yang cukup menggembirakan, dan menunjukkan bahwa blogger sebenarnya memiliki kekuatan posisi baik di dunia maya maupun riil.

Karena saya termasuk orang yang jarang mengupdate blog (dan cukup baru pula), kabar itu sampai terambat. Saya baru tahu saat membaca liputannya di koran.. (itu pun setelah ibu saya tanya, "Blog itu apa sih?" :P). Meski sedikit sedih karena tidak bisa terlibat langsung dalam acara tersebut, saya senang, karena saya jadi tahu bahwa jumlah blogger Indonesia cukup besar.

Yang menyenangkan, Menkominfo kita (dan mantan rektor saya.. :P) turut mendukung hari blogger ini. Sebagaimana dikutip republika, Menkominfo menyatakan bahwa blogger, "memberi sesuatu yang berharga dalam bentuk 'suara baru Indonesia'. Blogger juga dapat menjadi penggerak masyarakat dalam berbagai bidang, mulai dari edukasi hingga bisnis.

Lebih jauh, masih sebagaimana dikutip republika, blog dapat menumbuhkan nasionalisme pemuda, karena blogger dapat memunculkan inovasi untuk kemajuan bangsa.

:)) :)) :))

Tidak ada kalimat lain yang bisa saya ucapkan, selain "Yay Blogger Indonesia!!"

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Insentif untuk TA berbahasa Inggris

Akhir-akhir ini milis jurusan saya sedang dihebohkan dengan sebuah topik : pemberian insentif kepada mahasiswa yang membuat dan mempresentasikan Tugas Akhir-nya dalam bahasa Inggris. Semua keributan ini muncul ketika salah satu dosen yang termasuk dalam program hibah A3 menawarkan insentif untuk mahasiswa yang membuat Tugas Akhir-nya dalam bahasa Inggris. Tidak main-main, insentif yang ditawarkan cukup besar : mulai Rp 500.000 hingga 2.000.000 dengan dana tersedia sebesar Rp 4.000.000.

Pro dan kontra (kebanyakan kontra sih) mulai muncul sesudahnya. Banyak yang merasa prihatin karena adanya program ini. Mereka mengatakan bahwa program seperti ini adalah pembodohan, kok mau-maunya mahasiswa diiming-imingi duit untuk membuat TA dalam b.inggris, dan sebagainya.

Secara pribadi, saya sebenarnya setuju-setuju saja dengan ide ini. Namanya juga upaya untuk mendorong mahasiswa lebih maju dalam bahasa Inggris, kenapa nggak memberi mereka sedikit reward setelah mereka berusaha keras membuat dan mempresentasikan TA dalam bahasa Inggris? Bahwa nanti akan ada anggapan mereka mata duitan atau seperti robot yang haus duit, itu lain lagi. Memang mungkin akan ada anggapan bahwa kok, level mahasiswa jadi rendah seperti itu? Toh kenyataannya, ide seperti ini cukup berhasil untuk mendorong mahasiswa meng-improve kemampuannya berbahasa Inggris.

Pak Doddy, salah satu dosen saya, malah lebih ekstrim berkata : lalu apa bedanya insentif dengan hibah-hibah penelitian untuk dosen atau jurusan? Bukannya sama saja? Dan ya, seperti yang saya katakan tadi, sangat wajar ada sebuah REWARD untuk suatu prestasi yang telah kita kerjakan. Tidak harus berupa uang tentu saja. Kebetulan saja bentuknya uang, sehingga semua menjadi "sensitif" mendengarnya..

Bagaimana menurut Anda?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Happy Ied Fitri

Yes. Even though it's a bit late, but since it's still on Syawal month, I'd like to say:

Happy Ied Fitri 1428 H
Minal Aidin Wal Faidin

Please forgive my faults and mistakes, whatever it took forms (words, behaviors etc). I'm not a perfect human (a really non perfect one), therefore mistakes and faults will always be part of my life.

Anyway, it is still (or only) 8 days before proposal must be submitted. Pheuw. And guess how much my progress is? *...................* *.......................* *........................*

erm, okay, back to work! XP

Thursday, October 04, 2007

One between hundreds

As maybe I ever stated, I don't really like Indonesian drama (or usually called Sinetron). Most of them are presented with such 'too-bombastic' ideas and ridiculuous scenes. I never really understand how they (the movie maker) could make this day-by-day episodes without planning it carefully (alias kejar tayang. Susah nih bahasa Inggrisnya...).

But too be fair, I can't say that all Indonesian drama are bad. One or two of them are surprisingly nice and smart. One of it is "Kiamat Sudah Dekat " (Doomsday's coming over). Drama (or Sinetron) that is producered by Deddy Mizwar is now entering its third season. In fact it's already ended yesterday. Even though I don't really satisfied with the final episode, I can say that I satisfied with the whole story and characters.

What make differences between "Kiamat Sudah Dekat" (KSD) and other Sinetrons are the ideas behind it. Common Sinetrons love to show richness, some Cinderella story (the rich one fallin in love with the poor one), stepmother and stepsister story (how they torture their step daughter or step sister) and vice versa.

KSD, in the opposite, reminds us into our daily life. There's no such thing as a very big house, a very rich guy. Nope. The main character is just an ordinary guy, an ordinary guru (or ustadz). He's an ordinary person, with his strength and his weakness. The other characters show the same pattern; without over exposing. In the end, it's not surprising if this drama suddenly became one of the most popular drama on television nowadays.

Of course, there's always the main player behind good movies/dramas, and the one behind this drama is Deddy Mizwar. Keeping his commitment to make good and smart movies, he continues to 'break' the old rules of Sinetrons in Indonesia. Hope he can keep make such nice movies with smart ideas inside it.

Quote from Rhama : Learning from experience

Let me quote what Rhama said in his last post :

A learning experience is one of those things that say, 'You know that thing you just did? Don't do that.'A quote from Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001), the guy (a satirist - does that kind of job really existed?) who wrote (his most famous work), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.So, you make a mistake, don't gloom over it, dummy! Pick up the pieces, and strike back.

You see, the first time I saw that post, I feel like, BAM!
Someone has slapped me over my face. Great words, I must say. And somehow, I feel ashamed about what I have done this far.
He's absolutely right.

We mustn't gloom over what we have done. Just stand up, and realize that we can't do it again.


Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Ramadhan and Thesis

I was planning to put a Hiatus status here, but then again, I think I do need a place to write down anything that I feel, or I think about. Since I've closed my livejournal temporarily, this blog became the last option to write down my thoughts.

Anyway, speaking about Ramadhan, without being realized, it's already the 20th day of Ramadhan. I can't even feel a bit of the magic of Ramadhan. This is all because of my stupid and selfish character, of course, since I only care about my study and other unimportant stuffs. I feel very sorry about it, and keep wondering, will I get this opportunity again? I almost never praying seriously. Only doing it as an obligation, like before. I hate myself for became a person like this. I want to change! I have to change. But where must I start?
I wonder if the sentence of "better late than never" is really work for me..

And thesis. Have I said that I have no progress since Mr. Nyoman gave the topic to me? Man, I was so lazy. Correction, I AM so lazy. I don't understand why I have no strong will to do my thesis. This is yur future, dammit! Can't you grow up and realize it???

As a conclusion, I need to change. Right away. NOW.

Monday, July 23, 2007


I often jealous to several kinds of people around me. One kind of people that I envy much is person that could communicate smoothly with others even though it was the first time they met. Usually guys or men belong to that category, although some women also have that ability. I really, really envy them. It's so amazing watching someone being so friendly and whap! Just in few minutes, they already talk happily one another like they were old friends. Several times I thought that I have that kind of ability. But recently, I realized that I don't really have it especially when I meet some older people (or VERY older people). I wonder if I'd get that kind of ability soon. Or later.

That's it for now. Will continue it soon.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Review : Nodame Cantabile

Okay, then. The first review of movies that I've seen is Nodame Cantabile. Well, actually, it's not technically a movie. It's a TV serial or dorama for precisely. Maybe some of you have read the manga?

Chiaki Shinichi is a 4-th year music college student who was stuck in Japan, eventhough he had a dream to go to Praha and studying there. The cause was simple yet significant; he was afraid of flying or sailing. This fact simply made Chiaki think that he was a loser, and made him even act like he really was.
Fortunately (or unfortunately?) he met Noda Megumi, a weird, freaky girl that was also studying in the same college. She was in the 3rd year, and yes, she was a very abnormal girl. But behind all her madness, she had a great talent of playing piano; a talent that even acknowledged by Chiaki.
Together with Noda (or Nodame), Chikai tried to find out what his dreams were, and how to reach it. In the journey, Chiaki learned lot of life lessons; lessons that couldn't be achieved anywhere else beside from experience. He got friends, something that he never thought previously, and trusts. He started to understand that how other people were actually priceless and valuable for him. What's gonna happen next? Will Chiaki reach his dreams? And will Nodame too?

Now, I've only seen 11 episodes of this serial TV, and until now on, I have no idea whether the serial will be continued or not. The manga is still continued until now, though. I wish the dorama would too.

Anyway, as comment for this serial, I'd like to say that I love it! It's funny yet touching you in a way. Eventhough some of the scenes looked impossible, it can be tolerated since it was adopted from manga. I wonder how the end of this serial will be.

My rating : 4 from scale of 5


After struggling for two weeks, facing final exams that were absolutely messed up, finally I'm now having my holiday. Or, at least, I hope I'll be able to have it. You see, when I thought that I'll only have one obligation to do (Supply Chain Competition), suddenly Mr. Nyo gave me new task. And what's that? A nice, good workshop for some Badak employees. Not to say that I don't like it. I feel excited knowing that our lab doing some progress. the middle of holiday? *sigh* I just wish that I can allocate others to do the tasks *evil smile*.

I've made several plans for my holiday. You may say that the plans are boring, but hey, that's my plan anyway *smile*. And so, as I can say, my plans include:
1. Searching topic for my theses. God, I say it, and I'm totally sure that THIS is the hardest plan to be done. Have I mentioned that my dad keeps calling me these days and asking how my progress is? God, help me before I make myself even fatter. I act bad when I feel stress... T^T
2. Improving my english!!!!
3. Losing my weight... *sighing hard*

And the greatest plan is:

4. WATCHING AS MANY MOVIES AS I CAN. I think this is the best plan I make. Really.

I think I'll make some reviews about movies I see. Until then, take care.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I hate virus.

I hate people that make computer viruses. I mean, what is the benefit by making those viruses? True, if the viruses attack some big companies that he/she hates, maybe the reasons for virus development and distribution would be made sense (though I still don't agree with it).

But for us? For us, the users of Personal Computer? For us, that most probably are in the same age and situation with those makers?

NONE! You can't laugh happily cause you don't know us!
You can't take our money because we don't have any!

So, please..

Would you stop distributing that damn virus????


Panic! Maybe that's the right word for me right now. Not only having lot of tasks to be done, I also haven't prepared yet for my final exams that will be started next Monday. I'm trying my best to divide my time and utilize it as optimum as I can. But then again, I'm only human. Instead doing the task, I chose to netting and do some blogging. As you can see now, am I doing my task? Nope. *giggles*
I promise to do it after this, though *crossing fingers*
Anyway, my maid finally came home! After two weeks being a temporary maid, and wondering each day when she would come back, I could smile happily now and could start doing my obligation plus my interests. Can't wait to do everything I plan! :D
Kya will be at hime next week. It's a pity that I won't have lot of opportunities to spend time with her since I'll be having final exams. I wonder if I could sneak around and go for some lunch or dinner with her. It would be hard to be done, but I think it's worth it. Maybe I'll really do it.
Off to do the homework, then!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Tes kerja dan UAS : Manajemen Waktu

Alhamdulillah, ternyata aku lolos tahap administrasi SG. Meski Ceria bilang bahwa sebagian besar mestinya lolos tahap ini, tetap saja.. Niken lolos! Sebagai orang yang belum pernah ikut tes kerja, wajar dong, kalo aku seneng banget (dan juga deg2an, karena belum pernah ikut beginian).

Anyway, tes kerja untuk SG ternyata diadakan hari Minggu, tanggal 17 Juni. Tepat sehari sebelum UAS Ekonomi Teknik!!! Aduh. Gimana ya? Mestinya sih nyicil belajar mulai sekarang, tapi...tugas reksisman masih numpuk, bersamaan dengan tugas Manlog. Rasanya nggak akan cukup waktu untuk mengerjakan semuanya! Atau mungkin cukup, hanya tergantung pada kita untuk mengaturnya?

Ini membawa kembali ingatan pada kelemahanku nomor satu: Manajemen Waktu! Heran, sejak jaman SMU, sampe 4 tahun di kuliah, belum bisa juga me-manage waktu dengan baik. Sama dengan sebagian besar orang di dunia ini (seharusnya sih..), rasanya waktu 24 jam nggak pernah cukup untuk meng-cover semua kegiatan kita. Rasanya tugas selalu saja nggak selesai, dan hanya bisa bener2 selesai pada menit2 terakhir.

Padahal..ya padahal...kalau kita tilik2 lagi penggunaan waktu kita dalam sehari, lebih banyak waktu yang digunakan untuk hal nggak berguna lho. Seperti tidur, atau baca koran..apalagi waktu untuk nge-game...wah, menghabiskan hampir separuh dari waktu 24 jam itu sendiri! Kalau sudah seperti itu, apa masih pantas kita (paling tidak, Niken) untuk menyalahkan waktu yang terlalu sedikit?

Mungkin semua kembali ke diri masing2: apakah ada komitmen untuk membagi waktu agar bisa cukup meng-cover semua kegiatan per-person. Orang yang berhasil ma-manage waktunya, aku rasa, akan menjadi salah satu orang sukses nantinya.

Well, semoga aku bisa ^__^

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Ada banyak jenis pemimpin di sekitar kita. Salah satu yang ada di dekat saya adalah pemimpin yang, meski cerdas dan sangat sistematis, tidak mampu secara langsung meraih hati bawahannya. Pada saat dia memerintahkan sesuatu, kadang dia tidak mengukur kemampuan bawahannya serta kesulitan yang mungkin timbul dari perintah itu. Yang disayangkan lagi, kadang pemimpin jenis ini tidak mengenal arti kata 'terima kasih' sebagai reward. Padahal hanya dua kata, namun sulit sekali diucapkan. Meski demikian, bukan berarti pemimpin tipe ini tidak akan bisa berhasil. Jika dia mampu memperbaiki apa yang ada di dirinya dan berkembang, maka bisa dipastikan dia akan menjadi salah satu calon pemimpin yang baik.

Tentunya, selain pemimpin jenis tersebut, masih banyak jenis pemimpin lain. Seperti satu lagi yang ada di dekat saya; beliau adalah pemimpin yang sangat dekat dengan bawahannya. Dia tidak pernah lupa untuk menyapa bawahannya, meski hanya ber-say hello. Sederhana memang, tapi sangat efektif untuk merebut, bahkan mencuri hati bawahannya. Terbukti, seringkali permintaan tolong yang dia berikan pada bawahannya disanggupi dengan senang hati, meski kadang terlalu mendadak untuk diterima. Tentunya, ada hal negatif pula dari pemimpin jenis ini. Saking baiknya, seringkali pemimpin jenis ini tidak tega untuk mengatakan 'tidak' jika bawahannya meminta sesuatu. Padahal, ketegasan mutlak diperlukan oleh seorang pemimpin. Pembenahan diri terus menerus juga harus dilakukan untuk dapat mengimbangi kekurangan ini.

Namun bagaimanapun jenis pemimpin yang Anda pilih, ada hal yang harus Anda ingat bahwa, Anda bekerja dengan orang. Anda membawahi orang. Anda menjadi panutan orang. Karena itu, berpikir dengan matang dan hati-hati sebelum mengambil tindakan adalah suatu keharusan bagi para pemimpin. Jadiah pemimpin yang baik, yang mampu mengayomi bawahannya dan mengambil keputusan yang tepat.

Monday, March 05, 2007


It is strange how we can forget something that we have planned before. Take me, for an example. I promised to find out a nice topic for my thesis before March. The result? Still don't have a clever vision even though it's already March.

I got this idea to make some algorithm model for Critical Chain or whatsoever. Still haven't found the best idea, though. Thank God, Mr. Gun will help me to do it (or at least he SAID so). Hopefully I'll get the main idea in the end of March. Amen.

Next, searching for journals!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Review : "The illusionist"

I can't say that I don't like this movie. This movie is nice, but it is not more than that. I thought it was going to be such a boring movie. In the end, Edward Norton proved that I was wrong, and yes, I agreed to take my thought before. But it was not more than nice, as I've said earlier.
Eisenheim was an illusionist, maybe one of the greatest on that year. Most of people watched and being astonished by his tricks. Nothing was special during his shows. Except, of course, when his childhood special friend, Sophie, came and became the volunteer of his show.
The old relationship began to grow up again, love was spread anywhere. But, as can be seen on other old movies, there was (always) the antagonist character, Leopold, the royal prince that was supposed to be Sophie's husband. Conflict started to be fired up, with lot of anger here and there. The death of Sophie and the disappearing of Eisenheim seemed to be the climax of this movie, especially when Leopold agreed to do the same thing to himself: suicide.
But then the story was closed with an unbelievable fact, a fact that all of facts that were trusted before, maybe, only illusions. So, which one was right and which one was illusion? Everything was answered in the end of the movie.
As others may have reviewed, Edward Norton was nice in this movie. I like his role as mysterious yet tricky Eisenheim. But to bo honest, the most likeable character for me is Uhl. I love conflict that he had in his mind, and how he betrayed Leopold in the end, just to find out that all facts that he believed until that time were completely wrong.
As conclusion: Nice movie, good plot, nice character

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Problem in courses

New semester at college always brings problems for us, students. Starting from some mess that happened during the classes selection and application until the cross-over during execution of course's schedule. I wonder why this kind of problem never been solved. Instead, it keeps continued and continued every semester. It's like we never really study from our previous experiences.

And that prolog precedes the real problem that I will write on this entry. Yep, I've got a problem related to cross-over on schedules during the execution of the classes. So, I took Logistic Management class since I was curious enough, and, well, I love PPC. Everything that is related to material flows, or production always interests me to study more about it. That's why I took the class. But the problem came at once after I had my first class. One by one, the students of the Logistic Management class start to resign. You know how many are the people taking this course? Only 5! 1 person follow it without putting it into her KRSM. And now, the participants start to decrease again. Now there are only 3 people! I mean, what the??
Why they take the course if they only are going to put it down?? I really have no idea why they should do that. One thinf for sure, that I'm totally pissed off for that attitude.

This week this class will still be performed. But who knows what will happen next???

I think I should protest this problem to Mrs. Nani.

I guess.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Review : "House"

Okay, so I admit that I have nothing more important to do beside netting and filling my blog. So what? I guess it's better for me to do this better than sleep. Don't you think so? *giggles hard*

Anyway, have I mentioned that House is good? I watched House several weeks ago, when my sister brought it home (she actually studied at Jakarta). At first, I didn't really pay attention to this TV serial, especially when I knew it's related to medical things. But when I saw it, I finally understood why Kya loves it. Now I love it too ^^

I love how Hugh Laurie can fit well on his role, Dr. Gregory House. He's not a perfect doctor, indeed. Yet, that makes him look well and normal as a human being.
The other thing I like about this movie is the approach to find out the real disesases of the patients. It's kinda a detective mode with medical knowledge *giggles*

Know I'm waiting the DVDs of Monk. I've seen one episod of it, and I like it!!! My sis has already watched it, and she said that it is funny. Nah. Just some time before I watch it! Can't wait until I get it~ ^^

Rhama, I admit that it looks like your posts, but I can't help it! How can I review movie without putting the link too? *excuse again, eh?* *giggles*

Beginning of 2nd semester

As the title said, college has been started. It's going to be a quite hard semester, I agree. But in other side, there's so many things interesting. Like, I'm going to have project management class -which I love so much, of course. There's also logistic management class that is fascinating. In simple word, it's going to be a hard-tough-yet-fun-and-challenging semester. Can't wait to have the classes soon *smile*.

Anyway, I'm planning to publish LSCM newsletter on March. But seeing the fact that we haven't collected the articles makes me think twice. I guess we can deliver it on April (if we're lucky enough). Need to do something about it.

Oh, other news, Mr. Nyoman has asked me to be his assistant on project management class! *laugh happily*
Gosh! Never thought I will be an assistant for PM class. I mean, I like PM, and now I'll become the assistant of it! Totally great! ^^

As for last, I'm going to make this blog alive again. I hope I can do it well ^^

Off to go now!