Monday, November 12, 2007

dèja vu and self-awareness

Last year, after I had had my presentation of my final project, I found out that I got an AB (or B+) for it. Since I thought I’d get an A, of course I felt very dissappointed. I cried a lot after I got home, and promised that this kind of thing wouldn’t be happened again (well, at the moment I didn’t think I would take a master program right after graduated...).

Yesterday, like dèja vu, it happened again. Right after had my presentation, my nice supervisor asked me to meet him, and with low voice he said, “....actually it only needs a little more for you before getting an A....”

Was it wrong for me to get an A?

Like last year, I cried a lot (again). And by a lot, I mean A LOT. It’s so weird, just by thinking about the presentation, or my supervisor’s words, I could weep all around. My eyes were hurt, yet I still cried at night.

But after that, I couldn’t stop thinking; why it happened? Was it my faults? Seems no other reason better than that. Of course, everything’s my fault. I didn’t try as hard as I could. I kept complaining, and felt depressed without any certain reason. I didn’t try my best to do it. Or at least, that’s what I could think about the reason behind this B+ score. It’s ALL MY FAULTS.

I know I’ll be okay. I’m a strong girl, as I can say. Crying a bit won’t change that opinion. I will get better, and will be encouraged to try again (and much harder) than before to get an A for the final presentation. Even though, yes, sometimes I worry that my passion will dissappear and I’ll end up with...another cry.

But let’s not think negative, shall we?


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Serial TV : Supernatural

Since TransTV (one of local television here) played Heros, some of local televisions follow it by buying some good serials and put it on prime time (which, of course, a first smart step that was token by those televisions.. :P).

One of the serial that now makes me addicted is Supernatural.

Yep. As maybe some of you have known, Supernatural is a story about two brothers, Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Sam Winchester (Jared Padelecki), who cruise cross country to hunt some spooky ghosts that usually related to cultural ghost-story in certain cities. While doing this hunting, they search a demon that has killed their parents and Sam's girlfriend.

Well, I never really into some ghost stories. I tend to avoid this kind of movie. But when I tried to see several episodes (I didn't follow the serial since the first episode), something attracted me. Yes. The sibling-relation between Dean and Sam in recent episodes are already enough to make me fall in love with this movie (and to both of them, of course). Even they don't say it clearly, and even some quarrels keep occur between them, they actually love each other. The small quarrels don't stop them in protecting each other whenever they face problems (read : ghosts).

One title being added to my "favorite serial TV" list. I wonder if other televisions will also play some nice serial TVs in a short time? Let's hope and wait, shall we? :)


I'll have my presesntation on Monday. So....wish me luck, would you??? *pray*

Anyway, some meme.. :)

Which Heroes Character Are You?

You are Hiro. You are everyones favorite Japanese tourist. Your time is well-managed and you make sure things get done. On top of that, the girls always want a second chance with you.
Find Your Character @

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Student Syndrome

Have you ever heard term of "Student Syndrome"? I first noticed this term when I was reading about Critical Chain, a theory of constraints that applied in project management. This idea was introduced by Goldratt, on 1997 (if I am not mistaken). And talking about Goldratt, it means talking about "The Goal". "The Goal"? Yep. You should read "The Goal" written by Mr. Goldratt. It was such a fascinating book, especially for you that are interested in Production Planning and Control *smile*

Anyway, back to Student Syndrome, to be simple, Student Syndrome refers to habit - that is usually owned by students (no offense, anyone). And what is the habit? You probably can guess it : a habit to delay everything that ACTUALLY can be done earlier. In our cases, as students, this habit is generally noticed by our behavior in delaying doing our assignments until tha last minute before submitting (well, if you're not, then at least I did it.. *giggles*). In project, well, this can be described in many ways; delaying the drawings, delaying the deadline of purchasing material, vice versa. Of course, logically, this could cause a fatal condition for us, whether in a context of students at college, or in project.

And that's what I felt last Friday : a total mess! Again, I was in hurry in submitting my thesis proposal, just because my laziness to finish it on time. I delayed my plan to edit the proposal. Thus, that made the printing process become late too. And as a result? Well, as I said... It was totally a rush hour for me. I swore that time, that I wouldn't do it again next time.

But then again..somehow I didn't believe myself. Can this Student Syndrome really be eliminated from me? :(

Ah, well. Just do my best, then? Ganbatte, ne!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Final Project Incentive (continued)

Mr. baihaqi asked me why I hadn't written my previous post in English. *smile shyly*

Well sir....Thank you for reminding me. I'll keep the answers for myself :)
As a compensation, I will continue a little bit about my previous post.

After asking for some information, I just found out that this incentive program is actually a competition program. It means, not all the applicants (students who write their projects in English) will get the reward. As been said, the total of the reward are 4 million rupiahs, with detail as follows;

Presentating in English : 500 thousand
Presentating and making paper in English : 1 million
Presentating, making final report and paper in English : 2 million

Those who apply for this program will compete each other and be chosen by some criteria such as the final score of his/her report, the performance of him/her in presentating his/her report, etc.

For me, it's a good news. This fact proves that my department (IE department) actually took a good program in order to improve students ability. This incentive program is not proposed just to give some money to students who do their report in English, but also taught them to fight, struggling to after what they want.

Too bad this information hasn't been informed to others. Maybe that's why still some people looking bad to this program. Shall I inform it to others? :P

..well, that's quite a stupid question.

Hari Blogger Nasional

Mungkin sudah banyak yang tahu, bahwa sekarang kita, para blogger, memiliki hari blogger nasional! Suatu langkah yang cukup menggembirakan, dan menunjukkan bahwa blogger sebenarnya memiliki kekuatan posisi baik di dunia maya maupun riil.

Karena saya termasuk orang yang jarang mengupdate blog (dan cukup baru pula), kabar itu sampai terambat. Saya baru tahu saat membaca liputannya di koran.. (itu pun setelah ibu saya tanya, "Blog itu apa sih?" :P). Meski sedikit sedih karena tidak bisa terlibat langsung dalam acara tersebut, saya senang, karena saya jadi tahu bahwa jumlah blogger Indonesia cukup besar.

Yang menyenangkan, Menkominfo kita (dan mantan rektor saya.. :P) turut mendukung hari blogger ini. Sebagaimana dikutip republika, Menkominfo menyatakan bahwa blogger, "memberi sesuatu yang berharga dalam bentuk 'suara baru Indonesia'. Blogger juga dapat menjadi penggerak masyarakat dalam berbagai bidang, mulai dari edukasi hingga bisnis.

Lebih jauh, masih sebagaimana dikutip republika, blog dapat menumbuhkan nasionalisme pemuda, karena blogger dapat memunculkan inovasi untuk kemajuan bangsa.

:)) :)) :))

Tidak ada kalimat lain yang bisa saya ucapkan, selain "Yay Blogger Indonesia!!"